Shipping Policy
- Must have store account and logged in.
- Only products with (Free Shipping) next to Product Codes are eligible for Free Shipping.
- Orders can contain both Free Shipping and Non Free Shipping products. Shipping fee will only apply to Non Free Shipping items.
- Minimum order Sub-Total must reach $40 for Domestic destination (USA lower 48 states) to qualify.
- Minimum order Sub-Total must reach $100 for Worldwide (Rest of the World) destination to qualify.
- While most countries are included, not every country is included in Worldwide destination. If you country is not listed, please contact our customer service department.
- Wholesale orders and customers do not qualify for Free Shipping.
- If an order is returned back to us for whatever reason, the actual estimated cost of shipping will be deducted from any refunds or credits due, if any.
- We will use shipping courier and method of our choosing.
- Free Shipping may not be combined with some offers or discounts.
- We reserve the right to unilaterally cancel any order if our shipping cost exceeds our estimation.
Standard – No Tracking
This is the most economical shipping method and is available to all countries. Delivery time for this method takes the longest and tracking is not available in most countries. This option is not available when total order reaches certain weight. Packages are inserted into the United Stated Postal Service and transferred to destination country’s postal service for delivery once processed through that country’s custom office.
Standard – Tracking
This method is not available to all countries and tracking is available for delivery confirmation. The amount of tracking done at transit point will vary depending on country. Tracking is available on USPS website and/or destination countries postal service site. This option is not available when total order reaches certain weight. Packages are inserted into the United Stated Postal Service and transferred to destination country’s postal service for delivery once processed through that country’s custom office.
Expedited Tracking
This method is USPS Priority Mail and is available to all countries. Delivery time usually takes 5 to 10 days to most countries, however it can take longer depending on destination. Tracking is available on USPS website and/or destination countries postal service site. Packages are inserted into the United Stated Postal Service and transferred to destination country’s postal service for delivery once processed through that country’s custom office.
Express Mail EMS
This method is USPS Priority Express Mail and is available to all countries. Delivery time usually takes 3 to 8 days to most countries, however it can take longer depending on destination. Tracking is available on USPS website and/or destination countries postal service site. Packages are inserted into the United Stated Postal Service and transferred to destination country’s postal service for delivery once processed through that country’s custom office.